Diary of a Fireside Woman

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Warning Signs

Part One: The Warning Signs

Ashes to Ashes

Sure I saw the signs. There were plenty of them. In retrospect, I guess I should have paid more attention to them, but at the time, I guess I didn't want to. The first time Myron showed signs of extremely abusive behaviour I should have turned around and run. For some reason, though, I chose to stay. Maybe I thought it wouldn't happen again. Maybe I saw all the pain in his eyes and thought I could help him. Maybe I thoughtI could change him.The truth is I don't really know what I thought. All I knew at that time in my life was that I loved him. I really believed I did. And finally, after 18 years of feeling alone and unloved and possibly unlovable, I had finally found someone who loved me back. Somehow, just knowing that he loved me, allowed me to overlook the little things he did that hurt me, and make excuses for the bigger things.
Believing he loved me also allowed me the ability to make up stories about some of the more severe things he did to me. The illusion of our love let me to look my Dad straight in the eye and lie to him like I've never done before. "No, Dad, Myron didn't hurt me. I really was in a car accident." True. I was in a car accident, but there was so much more to that story.
For some reason, I so ached to be loved that I didn't walk away the very first time Myron ever hurt me. That first time could very well have been the worst thing he's ever done. It was by far, the cruelest. When I look back on it now, it's as if it was a dream.
The nightmare is now over, but the awful memories remain. That event is forever etched in my mind. What he did to me that night left physical and emotional scars so deep that even seven years of counseling have only begun to heal. If only I had walked away.
If only...
If only...

But I did not. I did not walk away. Instead, I simply lay there. I pretended it wasn't happening to me. Somehow I convinced my self that he wasn't really doing those awful things to my body. I convinced myself the pain down there wasn't real. But it was real. And it was happening tome. And it was painful! So terribly painful.The cigarette he was holding seemed so far away. As I looked down past my breasts and over my tummy, down to where the searing pain originated I could see the ember of his cigarette. Although I could scarcely believe it, all my senses were telling me that the man I loved was burning me. His slowly smoldering cigarette was the source of the pain between my legs.

When he attempted to but out his smoke down there the first time, the pain was excruciating. I closed my eyes and held my breath, hoping the hurt would go away.
Praying I would somehow be lifted up and away from this agonizing situation. I kept my eyes closed and didn't take a breath until the pain had finally started to subside.When at last Myron had taken the hot cigarette off of my smoldering flesh, I opened my eyes and began to breathe again. Thank God it was over. Now I could get my things and go home. I would never ever come back here as long as I lived. I promised my self that.
I tried to get up, so sure that I was going to get my stuff and get out of there just as quickly as my legs could take me. I scarcely had time to gather my strength to get up off of that cold concrete floor when yet another piercing pain attacked me down there. I was frozen again, unable to move. Once again I held my breath. So tightly I closed my eyes. And as hard as I wished, nothing could remove me from the searing pain I felt between my legs.I could vaguely hear Myron talking to me, though I could hardly make out the words. All his mumbled breath sounded like the gravelly voice of some long feared fairy tale monster. "…that'll teach you bitch…" I thought I heard.

And then he continued "…so you think you'regonna fuck with me eh, Lor….".
Again I held my breath and kept my eyelids shut tight until the pain had started to subside.Yet again I resolved that as soon as I was able I was going to run out of there and away just as quickly as I could. I managed to get up off the floor somewhat and made a move for my pants. What met me after that was a heavy strong arm across my chest.
"Where the fuck you think you're goin' Lor? Don't ya like it when I do that? You like it Lor, I know ya do." I was mortified.


Of course I didn't like it. He was burning me. It was painful. What kind of monster was this man? And why wasn't he letting me go?I tried to speak, but the words would not come. Instead, only tears streamed down my frightened face. “You’re not going anywhere bitch! I'm not done with you yet!" he growled as he picked his cigarette up off the concrete. Once more the searing pain between my legs.

Once more, I held my breath and tightly closed my eyes. Once more, I prayed and prayed for something to please take me away from this terrible situation and this horrifying man. Once more I lay there motionless until he took the burning ember away from my tender skin.
Again I tried carefully to get up. Again he shoved me back on to the concrete with a fortuitous push of his powerful fore arm. Again he spoke to me "You're leavin' babe? Don't ya like it when I do that?" This time I found my voice. "Why are you doing this? Myron, you're hurting me" I squeaked through my sobs.I'm not sure if he heard me or not. The sudden sound of someone opening the basement door was enough to make him drop his cigarette. Thank God! I was free.My utter relief that this nightmare was finally over quickly overshadowed any embarrassment I might have felt about being more than half naked in front of Myron's Grandma. As fast as I could I slipped my pants on and reached for my purse as I ran out the door.

I was in such a hurry to get out of the basement that I dropped my purse. I watched the contents of my bag fall to the floor as if in slow motion. But I did not stop to pick up the mess. I continued on my way.
Running as fast as I could until I was finally away from that horrible place. I didn't stop running until Myron's grandma's house was no longer in sight.

Even then I ran, though not so quickly the rest of the way to my Grandma’s house. Thankfully my Grandma and Grandpa were still asleep when I arrived. I don't know how I would have explained my state to them. I don't know what my Grandpa would have done.Quietly, I walked down the backstairs to my suite. Slowly, ever so carefully I opened the creaky door to my apartment so as not to wake my sleeping brother.Quietly I tiptoed past my brother Shawn lying peacefully on the couch. I crept past the TV and turned it off then continued to my room. Once inside my room, I knew I was safe. Finally I let the tears fall down my cheek.

These were not only tears of pain, but also tears of confusion, and sadness and shame. I wanted to get undressed, but instead I sat down carefully on the edge of the bed. The pain was almost unbearable still. Somehow I managed to get under my covers. Curled up in a ball, I gently rocked myself to sleep. Tears soaked my pillow as Idrifted off into a restless but safe slumber.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Blood on the Floor

I'd had that terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach all day, so when I saw Myron drive past the Food Bank several times as I stood in the line up waiting to get in, I wasn't the least bit surprised. If anything, I was somewhat relieved to know exactly where he was even if I didn't have a clue what he was up to. Before I actually managed to get inside the busy building and pick up our food hamper, Myron drove past me at least four times. This was highly unusual because, not only was Myron not going to the Food Bank that day because it was "Families Only" day, but the Food Bank itself was at the edge of town on a seldom used road. So it was hardly as if he was "on his way" somewhere. As usual his presence had me shaken so I was especially glad that Nita and I had decided to make the trek together that morning. She was able to leave 2 of her kids at home with Jed, but like always I brought mine with. Usually I walked to and from the Food Bank and everywhere else I needed togo. Just me and the kids. I was also particularly grateful that Nita had arranged for a ride home for us. What with 3 kids between us and enough groceries to supply 2 families for at least a week, the walk home across town would have been long and arduous to say the least. Thankfully Doug, Nita's best friend had a truck and nothing to do that morning. And thankfully also, he was a genuinely nice guy who didn't mind helping out a friend in need. Or the friend of a friend in need for that matter. After Nita and I had received our monthly hampers from the generous folks at the Food Bank, we sat outside on the curb and waited for Doug. Nita scarcely had time to finish her cigarette when he pulled up in his truck. With a smile on his face as always he asked "Hey, beautifuls need a ride somewhere?" We all piled in and buckled up the kids as best we could while Doug loaded our groceries in the back of the pick up. Just as we were about to drive off Myron drove past us yet again. By this time I was visibly shaken and Doug could see it on my face. "Has that asshole been buggin' you again, Lor?" he queried with genuine concern. As I fumbled for words and choked back tears, Nita answered for me. "Yeah Doug, he's been following her around again." Then she added, "You better just come to my house Lor". We all agreed that this would be the safest plan of action. So off wedrove, Doug, me and the Kids and Nita and Adam, at ease at least for the moment. We determined it would be most convenient if we stopped by my apartment on the way to Nita's house. This way, I could unload my groceries and grab what the kids and I would need for the rest ofthe day and the night if we decided to sleep over. Quickly as I could I raced up stairs with the diaper bag. While Nita stayed in the truck with the kids, Doug packed my groceries up the stairs and helped me put away the stuff that needed refrigeration. As Doug andI headed back down the stairs and locked up the apartment, who should drive by one more time but Myron.

This time he cast Doug the most vicious glance and yelled at him out the window of his car "You better watch out, Doug! Ha Ha!" And drove off down the street. The three of us, along with just about everyone else we knew, were used to Myron's threats and accusations, so we didn't make too much ofthe spectacle. I tried my best to downplay his actions for the benefit of the kids who sat in the truck with looks of confusion ontheir tiny faces. After we got to Nita's house Doug hung around for a while helping Nita unpack the groceries and put them away. While they did that I hung out in the kitchen with them getting lunch ready for the kids. We had 6 kids in all that day, which wasn't at all unusual. As well as Nita's three boys, David, Jacob and Adam, and my two kids, Jakob and Cassidee, or Cassie-Annie as Nita's boys called her, we also had Louie. Louie, whose real name was Desmond was Nita's nephew. The two year old son of Nita's younger sister Destiny was Cassidee's best little playmate as they were born just a month apart.

Cassidee's birthday was in January and Louie's in February. All things considered, we were having a relaxing afternoon at Nita's cozy little house. The kids were watching movies in the living room and the adults were enjoying some good conversation and laughter inthe kitchen. Despite the antics from Myron earlier that day, mos tof us were having a fine time. Cassidee and Louie were probably having the most fun of all. Every chance they could get, whenever they were out of sight of a parent, they would empty all of Nita's CD collection out of their cases, spread them all out over th efloor, and dance upon them. It was as if they thought the shiny plastic objects were a special little dance floor just for them.

When I walked in to the living room and saw the disaster it was allI could do not to laugh out loud. But I kept my composure and cleaned up the mess quietly. While doing this I could hear voices in the kitchen, this time they weren't only Doug and Nita's. After carefully putting the CDs away for the third time, I returnedto the Kitchen to see Destiny's friend Kim standing in the doorway. She looked as though she had seen a ghost. Before she could comein, I glanced behind her and could instantly tell what she was upset about. Myron was standing directly behind her with the most menacing look on his face. We hurriedly rushed Kim in the house and double locked the doors. Myron left, almost immediately but not without whispering an ominous warning to me through the side window "I'll be back with a club!" He promised. That vow sent chills up my spine and by the look on everyone's faces I could tell I wasn't the only one who was upset. So much for our nice quietafternoon.

After we fed all the kids and got the kitchen cleaned up again, Kim decided it was finally safe for her to go home. Myron hadn't comeback as he promised and we all decided he wasn't going to. This was most likely just another one of his idle threats. So Doug decided that since he had to go home for dinner anyways, he'd drop Kim off at her house on the way. It was as great idea as Kim was certainly not feeling like walking around town by herself. Especially nowthat it was beginning to get dark. So Doug decided he would do whathe had to do and come back to check on us just as soon as he could, leaving us his cell phone, just in case.
Just in case Myron cameback before Doug did.
Just in case he was even more intoxicated than he had been earlier.
Just incase he was even angrier at methan he had been before. With Myron around it seemed there werealways so many things to worry about, so many `just in case's. While Doug was gone, Nita and I were both a little uneasy. Neither one of us were wimpy chicks, but there was just something aboutMyron, his behaviour, his attitude, his mere presence that set us on edge and put the fear in us. I know that silently we were botheagerly awaiting Doug's return. He could have stayed there with us the entire day and night and that would have been just fine withus.

Despite the unusual circumstances, the kids were having a ball asthey normally do when there are just too many of them in one room. And Nita and I decided that to get our minds off Myron's antics, we'd play some cribbage. And heck, perhaps we'd even have a drink. Nita had some left over Christmas vodka in the cupboard. Not being much of a drinker, she had no problem saving it for a special occasion. While this occasion wasn't exactly special, it certainly did call for something to calm the nerves and lighten the mood. So Nita mixed us up a couple of Bloody Caesar's, extra salty and extra spicy for me, and we sat at the kitchen table and played crib.I
t wasn't long into our game when our concentration was broken by a sound in the backyard. It was hard to distinguish, but sounded like someone walking through the yard. Aloud Nita and I both suggested in unison "Doug's back"

We waited and waited for the knock at thedoor, but it never came. Reluctantly, as I could still hearfootsteps outside and they sounded like they were very close to the house, I peered outside the blue curtains of Nita's kitchen window just in time the see Myron walking around the corner and on to the street. Almost as if he knew I was watching or maybe because he was sure I would, he turned around and flashed me an malevolent smile. "Told ya I'd be back" And off he walked. Nita and I guessed that he was making yet another trip to the liquor store as Nita's house was about half way between Myron's house and Downtown. But hec ertainly did not have to walk through her yard to get there. H ewas definitely going out of his way to torment us for some mysterious reason.

By the time Doug finally did arrive, Myron had walked by Nita's and right through her yard house two more times. Once on his way back form the liquor store,with bottles of booze in hand. This time, instead of saying anything he just stood outside in the yard seemingly waiting fors omeone to notice him. By then I was getting really freaked out, so Nita was the one who poked her head out the curtains. Sure enough she said, he was in the yard, leaned up against the shed in the backyard having a cigarette just as nonchalantly as could be. As if itwas normal to walk through someone's yard again and again for no apparent reason but to cause alarm. As if it was usual to stop in the yard in the dark and smoke a cigarette alone, leaned up against the shed like a thug.

The last time he showed his face at Nita's house that night was just shortly before Doug arrived. This time it seemed he was getting a bit more brazen. Nita and I conjectured that perhaps an afternoon of non-stop trips to the liquor store had Myron feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof. Not only did he unnecessarily cut through Nita's front and back yard on the way to the store, but he also slid open her kitchen window, parted the curtains and stuck his head in. And in doing so he uttered the oddest most perplexing statement I had ever heard. "If it happens more than twice, it's stalking!" he stated before he closed the curtains and left.

The sheer oddity of this situation and the peculiarity of his remarks had Nita and I in a panic. What did he mean? Why did he saythat? When Doug arrived, we were both near tears. It had been one helluva day and it certainly wasn't getting any better. Doug was reassuring as usual. "Oh don't worry about him, girls. He's not gonna do anything while I am around. I'll just stay here. I'll stay all night if I have to" No sooner did those words leave Doug's mouth than we heard aterrible smashing sound coming from the back yard. The smashing sounded unmistakably like breaking glass. "What the fuck did he just do?" Doug said the words that were ineveryone's minds. There was no question that Myron had beenresponsible for the breaking glass, but just what had broken was yet to be discovered.

As Doug hastily opened Nita's back door, to see what all the action was, we could clearly see his truck. And every window in it had been smashed to bits including his side view mirrors. Suddenly Irealized just what Myron had meant when he said he'd be back with aclub. Seeing what Myron had done to his truck had severely pissedDoug off. "that's the last straw" he fumed. "'I've had enough of this. I'll be right back" With that, Doug proceeded to walk the few short blocks to Myron's house to see what his beef was.

Nita and I were on the edge of our seats, anxiously awaiting Doug's return, praying for his safety and hoping that Myron didn't come back in the meantime. Myron had been getting gradually more and more twisted over the last few weeks and Nita and I were both frightened of what he could do. Especially since we had so many little kids with us. Yes, Doug had left us his cell phone for emergencies, but somehow that did not give either one of us reassurance that Myron wouldn't harm us. When Doug finally came back several minutes later he was walking kind of funny and didn't look quite right. Something had definitelygone down at Myron's house.

When I looked at his face I could seethat something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong. Doug's face was as white as a ghost and he looked as if he was about topass out. I was about to ask what happened when I noticed blood on Doug's right hand. Did he hurt Myron? Did they fight? Then I noticed the blood wasn't just on his hand but all down his arm and his leg. On his face. Quietly, faintly Doug whispered a sound "hhhehh." I did not understand what he was saying. As Doug staggered into the kitchen, his legs gave way and he fell in a large heap on the floor. He tried to get up, but could only manage to lay down flat on his back.

His breathing was heavy and forced and his movement was slow and methodical. And the blood just kept coming. It was pouring and pouring and pouring. I could not tell where it was coming from but it was definitely Doug's blood. My mind was racing trying to fit the pieces together and my stomach was churning at the sight of my friend so covered in his own blood. Quietly I heard Doug whisper to Nita "Call 911. He stabbed me". As Doug lied in a pool of blood on Nita's kitchen floor waiting for the ambulance to arrive, minutes seemed like hours.

I tried desperately to keep all the kids confined to the living room so they couldn't see what had happened. At the same time, I wanted to be by Doug's side to make sure he was going to be alright. I was so shaken and guilt ridden that I could barely think straight. "I'm sorry Doug, I'm sorry Doug" was all I could say while we waited for the ambulance to arrive. Over and over again. "I'm sorry Doug" through sobs. "I am so sorry."
"It's ok sweetie, it's not your fault." Doug whispered between forced breaths. But as the pool of blood surrounding my friend grew larger and larger I realized I didn't believe him.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Breaking Away

Was it Easter? It seems like that should be a happier time of year. Like the memories of Easter should be pleasant, joyful. But no. Not these. These dark recollections of past events are anything but happy. Though, as I look back on it now I can see how this Easter was the turning point in my life. It is the marker that separates the world I lived in then and the world I have subsequently created for myself. It is the dividing wall between the frightened little girl, ready to do as she was told, no matter what the cost, and a powerful magickal woman. That Easter as well, though it brings with it a slew of horrifying flash-back type memories was the day on which my darling little girl was conceived. Ironic, yes that out of such darkness can emerge such a beautiful loving child. But as terrifying as that chapter of my life really was, the fact that out of the pit of blackness and despair grew my two darling babies sends me into a state of awe at the wonder of the Universe.

Just thinking back on it now is enough to give me nightmares even after all this time. Although it has been almost seven years since that particular Easter I can recall the events as if it were yesterday. I remember lying in bed unable to sleep, fearful that the moment I did, Myron would come banging on the door. Many times I had been too slow to answer the door only to find it already smashed by the time I had sprinted to open it. I was determined not to let that happen this time. This time I was going to open the door before he had a chance to smash it open. I had entertained the thought of leaving the door unlocked, but with a 10 month old baby in the house, that didn’t seem like a safe alternative.

I remember watching Jakob as he slept so soundly beside me. He had a crib in his own bedroom across the hall, but we seldom used it. As a breastfeeding mother I found it so much easier to have him sleep with me. The 2 am feedings were so much easier when I didn’t have to get up and walk to his room and we could both go right back to sleep after the feeding.
Aside form the convenience of the sleeping arrangements, there was something comforting about having my new baby boy sleeping so close to me. This particular night, however, I wished I had left Jakob in the crib in his own bedroom. When I heard the sound of the glass in our back door shatter, Jake must have heard it too. For he woke up with a start almost as soon as I did. I don’t know if it was the smashing glass and the sound of the wood cracking that frightened him or hearing his father roar, but something had upset him. So much so in fact that a baby that hardly ever cried was sobbing and nearly screaming.

I was torn between wanting to console my baby boy and knowing that I must go unlock the door and let Myron in. I was sure he wouldn’t stop smashing on the door until he got inside and wanted to save our house from the damages. I also knew that the longer it took me to get to the door, the angrier Myron would be. So I left Jakob alone in his little bed for a moment so I could open the door for his Daddy.

After I let Myron in, I immediately went back to the bedroom, to console little Jakob. My husband followed me quietly all the way, which relieved me immensely. I had expected him to be fuming mad at being locked out. I was fully prepared to get an earful and perhaps even a smack or a shove.
When I got to Jake he was still crying and I tried my best to calm him down. This must have upset Myron, because the instant he heard Jakes cries he went off. He began shouting at me to “Shut the kid up, Lor!”

And continued with absurd accusations.
“What did you shake him to make him cry?”
“You’re tryin’ to piss me off you fuckin cunt? I knew it! You pinched the kid! You made him cry!”

I tried to ignore Myron’s insane rantings so I could nurse Jakob calmly. I knew that Myron would keep accusing me until Jakob quieted. And I was right. It didn’t make any sense to me why I would want to pinch my own baby to make him cry. Or why I would deliberately try to upset Myron. This was exactly the opposite of what I was trying to do. Of what I mostly tried to do. Walking on eggshells and looking the other way, biting my tongue and apologizing for things that were not my fault had become second nature to me during that period of my life.
Just when I thought everything was okay, Jakob was relaxing and Myron had stopped yelling, he would start up again. “Quit shaking the kid, Bitch!” He ordered. “If you don’t shut him up, I’m gonna throw you both through that plate glass window” gesturing toward our bedroom window. “How would ya like that, Lor?” I didn’t answer Myron’s insane accusation and threat. Instead I sighed, then held my breath and silently prayed for something to calm my husband down.

For a moment it seemed my prayers had been answered. Jakob had fallen into a peaceful sleep so I carefully moved him into his little bed.
And Myron too had appeared to have passed out. Relieved, I carefully, quietly rolled over and out of the bed so as not to wake either Myron or sleeping Jakob. I had to go to the bathroom terribly.

I finished my business without flushing the toilet or replacing the empty toilet paper roll for fear the noise would wake Myron up. As quietly as I could I turned the squeaky doorknob and slowly ever so slowly opened the creaky bathroom door.

“Thought you could get away eh, bitch?” Myron laughed menacingly.
Silently, I shook my head as he slammed to bathroom door behind us both, locking me in the bathroom with him. “I gotta shit” he informed me.

With that, I turned to let myself out of the bathroom. Though Myron had already taken his pants down, he flew across the bathroom and slammed the door shut again. “You’re not going anywhere. What do you want to go pinch the kid and make him cry again? You can stay here with me”

I tried to protest “Myron, I am tired. I just want to go back to bed.” I pleaded weakly.
“Aren’t you my wife?” he questioned. “Don’t you belong with your husband?”
Confused and frightened I agreed “Yeah, I am your wife”
“Well then you can stay in here with your husband; where you belong.”
And so, as usual when Myron got forceful, I did as he told me to do. It was so much easier than arguing with him. And it was certainly so very much safer.

So I stood there, silent in the bathroom while Myron sat on the toilet, reading the paper. It wasn’t until he was ready to use the toilet paper that I realized that I had neglected to put a new roll on the holder.

As quickly as I could, I opened the bathroom closet and got a new roll out and handed it to Myron. I mistakenly thought he would be grateful or perhaps pleased at my efforts. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Without using the toilet paper I offered, he threw it into the bathtub. “Was that supposed to be funny? Nothing to wipe my ass with. Ha! Ha! Yeah, Myron’s shitting and there’s no ass wipe! Fuck you, Bitch!” he hollered.

“Myron, I got you some…” I whispered an attempt to defend myself. It was cut short by and arm across the chest. Myron threw me up against the door, still ranting. “What kind of a wife hides the toilet paper so her old man can’t wipe his ass?”
Terrified that Myron was going to hit me, I started to sob. “I am sorry, Myron. I didn’t mean to… “

Cut off again “I need a joint. Where’s my weed?”
I honestly did not know, but racked my brain trying to remember where I had seen him last stash his marijuana. But I couldn’t come up with anything. So I stuttered again softly “I, I’m not sure Myron”

“Yeah you probably hid that too, eh?”
With that he flung open the bathroom door and grabbed me by the arm. “Looks like I’ll jut have to pick some more. Come on, bitch!”
So, Myron dragged me by one arm and my hair to Jakob’s bedroom. He had a few small marijuana plants growing in the closet of Jakob’s room. When he opened the door to Jakob’s room, the light from the closet was clearly visible. “What? You didn’t turn the lights off like I told ya to?” He grilled me.

“Oh my God!” I thought. I had been so busy with Jakob and Easter that I had forgotten all about the plants. The lights were supposed to be turned off at 10 pm, but I had been sleeping. And I had forgotten to turn them off when I woke up. Now I knew he was going to be even angrier than he already was.

“You fuckin’ cunt!” he roared. You trying to get me busted? All the neighbours can see the light through the curtains. Now I’m gonna have to cut them all down. Where’s the scissors?”
Speedily I searched the closet for the scissors so that Myron could cut down his plants. Finally I found them lying underneath one of the empty pots, but before I could hand them to Myron, fluorescent lights had begun to smash. Broken glass was flying everywhere and I was grateful that little Jakob wasn’t sleeping in his bedroom.

After handing Myron the scissors, I tried to leave the room. I was going to get the broom and dustpan and begin cleaning up the glass. Grabbing me by the hair on the back of my neck, Myron, growled as he stared deep into my watery eyes, “I told you Bitch! You aren’t going Any Where!” For emphasis he clenched the scissors and shook them at me. I flinched a bit and jumped away. This apparently amused Myron because he laughed at me “ya scared, Lor? Does that scare you?”

And then he raised his arm as if to hit me, but instead stabbed the scissors into the headboard of Jakob’s crib. Again and again and again, he stabbed tiny holes in Jakob’s wooden crib. Standing there, in shock, my mind was reeling. What if…? What if…? What if…?
What if Jakob had not been sleeping with me that night? What if? What if his crib wasn’t empty?

And so, silently as I stood there watching Myron in his slow motion madness, stabbing the crib over and over again, looking for a reaction that I was unable to give, I made myself and Jakob a solemn promise. I vowed that this would be the last night that Jakob and I would ever spend with his daddy.

What if Jakob had not been sleeping with me that night? What if?What if his crib hadn't empty?And so, silently as I stood there watching Myron in his slow motionmadness, stabbing the crib over and over again, looking for areaction that I was unable to give, I made myself and Jakob a solemnpromise. I vowed that this would be the last night that Jakob and Iwould ever spend with his Daddy.

The deep serenity I felt while making the vow was quickly shatteredby Jakob's little cries. Something, either the light smashing, doors slamming, Myron yelling, or the crib being hacked at had wokenhim up. That was my cue to leave. The one sure way to put Jakob back to sleep was to breastfeed him. Truth be told, somehow that usually calmed me down as well. This particular night I could use alittle calming down. My nerves were shot.

Jake and I had a few quiet moments alone before Myron joined us. Ihad hoped that I could just go to sleep with Jakob and get thatnight over with. Myron had other plans, though. He climbed intobed with Jakob and me before I could get my little baby back tosleep. Myron however seemed to want my undivided attention."You better not cross me, Lor" he warned.

Although his warning wasgrave and malicious, I had no idea what he was talking about. This
wasn't unusual though. Myron often talked gibberish and nonsense tome and to other people too. There were times when, if we were outvisiting and Myron had been drinking, I would have to translate whatMyron was saying into language that could be understood by the otherparty. This time, though, I kept quiet, hoping he would just go tosleep. Hoping that we could all get some rest.The fact that I didn't answer Myron did not seem to bother him. Hekept right on bantering. "I said you better not cross me, youfuckin bitch. Or you'll be sorry!" Jesus Christ what was hesaying? I was already sorry. So very sorry. Myron made me sorry
every day that I had ever hooked up with him. Sorry that I eversaid “I do”.

"I said if you cross me again, Lor I'll fuckin' kill ya! Got it?"and with that he grabbed me by the hair on the back of my neck andgave it a jerk. I tensed up and jerked involuntarily just a bitwhich caused Jake to startle somewhat. I was hoping against hopethat Jakob wouldn't wake up. It was getting close to three in themorning and my baby needed his sleep. Not to mention, if Jakob wereto wake up again it would certainly start Myron off on anotherraving spell over how I had deliberately made Jakob cry just to piss Myron off. Thankfully, Jakob just opened his eyes for a moment cooed a little coo and continued suckling.

"Take off your pants." My husband ordered. I thought that if I pretended to be asleep I wouldn't be forced into something I didn't want to do."Didn't you hear me, Lor? I SAID take off your pants. I wanna fuck ya." It was apparent that my plan to pretend I was asleep was not going to work. Myron was already working on trying to get my pajamapants down. The last thing I wanted to do while I was breastfeedingmy baby was to have his hands on me. Groping at me, demanding. ButI knew from past experience that if I didn't give Myron exactly whathe wanted when he wanted it, sex included, he would get violent.

The first time I ever told him I didn't feel like having sex he jumped up out of bed, threw the lamp across the room, dumped the dresser over and punched a hole in the wall.
The whole time hollering accusations at me. "Who ya fuckin' Lor? You must be fuckinsomeone else if ya don't wanna fuck me!"

So, desperately wanting to avoid a repeat of that situation, Irolled towards Myron and helped him with my pants. In the back of my mind I was thinking ahead to after the union. Perhaps he wouldfinally go to sleep. Myron had been home for three or four hours bythis time and I was feeling both physically and emotionally exhausted.But, to my dismay, when the act was finally over, Myron did not rollover and go to sleep. Instead he started ranting again.

I wasbeginning to get the impression that he was not merely drunk. Hismood swings and aggression seemed to be indicative of something alot harder than alcohol. I suspected that he had probably beensmoking crack or something like it.
"Where'd ya put my smokes?" he inquired ridiculously. Why would Ihave his cigarettes? I thought to myself. When I didn't answer heasked again. So I began to explain that I did not have hiscigarettes "Myron, I don't know where they are."
I answered"Fuck you, Lor. I left them right here. Now they're gone" he said gesturing towards the night table. Confused, I tried to explain that this wasn't true. I hadn't seen any cigarettes since he had been home. I had assumed he smoked themall while he was out, which he often did. "Shut the fuck up. Lor. Did I ask you to talk?" he bellowed."uh…" I tried to protest but was stopped short by a forearm over mymouth.

"Shut the fuck up or I'll kill ya" Myron growled . If I hadwanted to speak I wouldn't have been able to as I could barelybreathe with his arm over my entire face. He finally removed his armso I could breathe but my relief was quickly overshadowed. Theinstant he did that he climbed back on top of me. I cringed at thethought of what was in store for me again.
This time though, instead of trying to force himself on me he began biting me. Withwhat seemed like the force of his entire jaw he bit me again andagain on my left shoulder. The pain was excruciating but I didn'tscream or cry or protest. I silently took his torture, afraid tomake a sound. I was partly afraid that if I made any noise it wouldwake up the baby and I so badly did not want to subject Jakob tothis abuse once again. And I was partly truly afraid that Myronreally would kill me if I made a sound. Over and over again he bitme, like a dog chewing on a bone. Each time daring me "if ya cry,Lor, I'll kill ya".
Finally, after what seemed an eternity of biting and threatening me, Myron remembered he needed a smoke. It was 4:30 am when Myron left the bedroom to search for a cigarette. At first I didn't move an inch. I just lay there quietly in shock, cuddling my baby.

Soon, though I realized that I still, after all thses hours, had not gone to the bathroom. As nervous as I was that Myron would be furious ifI got up, I had to relieve myself. As quietly as I could, I tiptoedacross the bedroom, and slowly opened the door. The sound of thatdoor creaking seemed to be amplified a thousand fold. Still I hoped Myron wouldn't hear it. Perhaps he'd be downstairs or maybe passed out on the couch. But once I finally got the door open enough to get out, I saw where Myron actually was. He was leaned upagainst the wall in the hallway with a smirk on his face. "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'? I thought I told you you're not leaving this room." He reminded me. "but Myron I have to go pee" I whispered quietly.
"Get back in that room before I kill ya Lor"And so I did.

At that moment I honestly believed that he could and would kill me if I didn't do exactly what he wanted to me to do. And I tried not to think of what would happen to Jakob afterward.On my way back to the bed Myron helped me along by shoving me ontothe bed where I laid motionless for what seemed like forever. I was very careful not to move a muscle because each time I did Myron would threaten "I'll fuckin kill ya, Lor. I will. I ain't scared."
For the next hour and a half or two hours I lay there as still as I could, not making any noise, just listening to the sound of Myron's breathing. When finally his breathing slowed down and it was apparent he was asleep, I let out a sigh of relief.
Frightened beyond belief and worried about the safety of my son, I wanted nothing more than to get out of that room, that house and never ever go back. But I was immobilized. I could not move until I was sure he was soundly asleep. Until I was positive he would not wake up.My life and the life of my son depended on it.It was nearly getting light out when I decided it was time to make my move.

Carefully, ever so carefully I put my arm under Jakob and scooped him up. As quickly and quietly as I could I tiptoed into Jakob's bedroom and set him down in his crib. Careful to place himat the end opposite where Myron had been stabbing the scissors. As swiftly as Icould I went to the kitchen to get a garbage bag to put our things in. On my way back I grabbed my purse off the counter and slung itover my shoulder.

As frightened as I was, I was possessed by a new kind of calm as I knew this was what I had to do to save our lives.When I got back to Jake's room I emptied his dresser drawers and filled the garbage bag with as much baby clothes as would fit. Without a second thought I dressed my baby up in his hat, coat and booties, and put on my sweater and shoes and headed out the door. Within minutes Jakob and I were running down our street to my friend's house a block and a half away, stroller, garbage bag and all.



"How the fuck could you let this happen, bitch?" Myron screamed at me in anger."I... I..." I stammered as I tried to choke back tears. I knew that if I cried Myron's anger would only escalate past its already heightened point. Still, as hard as I tried, I could not fight the tears. The sight of the puppy lying bleeding in my arms was just too much to bear. Willow had been my Christmas present to Jakob for his secondChristmas. We had only had her for a few days, but we had grown attached to her nonetheless.

It was boxing day and we picked her up from the farm only a couple of days earlier, but Jakob and I had already formed a bond with Willow. Being Border collie and still apup made her a lively addition to our small family. Both Jakob and I were instantly attached to Willow and her puppyish ways.As I stood dumbfounded, shocked, with Willow in my arms, I tried to drown out Myron's voice. There must be something I can do, I thought to myself. Surely there is some way I can save my dying puppy. But try as I might I could not come up with a solution. The car that hit Willow was driving so fast, that it really did a lot of damage.
I resigned to myself that although there was nothing I could do to save her life, I'd at least make sure her last hours or minutes were as comfortable as they could be. So I carefully took Willow down to the basement and laid her down on a pile of soft blankets. "You'll be okay Willow," I assured her softly as I stroked her tiny body. She looked up at me briefly, and I could tell by the look in her fading eyes that she understood me and that eased my heartache some.

I stayed there with Willow as long as I could, determined to sit with her until she closed her eyes forever. Myron had other plans, though and the sound of him screaming at me from upstairs broke the somber silence in the basement. As he stormed down the stairs, his voice got louder and more and more gruff. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Bitch?" He demanded. I couldn't respond as I had no idea what he was ranting about. "What had I done?" I thought to my self.Myron's raving continued despite my obviously emotional state. "You get off on torturing the poor dog?" He grilled me. "You are a sick bitch, Lor, sittin there watchin' her die like that. Yer fucking sick! You must be if you get off on torturing the dog!" he roared.
His endless accusations, continued non-stop until finally I felt the need to explain. To defend myself. "But, I'm not sick. I'm not torturing her. Myron I'm just trying to make Willow feel better. She's dying." "Yeah, I know she's dying, cunt. You are just prolonging her agony.
Get the fuck out of the way bitch!" Myron screamed as he yanked me by the arm and out of the way. It wasn't until I was half way up the stairs that I realized what he was planning. When I saw the glimmer of the hatchet in Myron's hand I knew for sure I wasn't the sick one. "What is he going to do to our little puppy?" I screamed silently. "Why doesn't he just leave her to die in peace?"
My horror at the sudden realization of the events that were about to transpire made me weak. I felt as though I was going to collapse. But I managed to walk up the stairs and go to my son so that he couldn't see what Daddy was doing to his puppy.

Just before I closed the basement door, I caught a glimpse of the sickening scene that was unfolding in my basement. That frightening image of Willow lying on the cold hard concrete and the axe severing her head from the rest of her lifeless body will stay forever in my mind. I closed my eyes as tightly as I could to try to escape the sight. And ran as fast as my wobbly legs would take me away from thesound of the axe repeatedly hitting the concrete floor. Try as I might, though, I could not drown out the sound of hatchet hitting concrete.
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
Again and again and again!
Thwack!Thwack, thwack!

The day that Willow died was just a couple days after Christmas, it was cold out and snow blanketed the ground.

My brother Shawn and Cam stopped by to see Myron and took him somewhere.
This relieved me immensely. I was often glad to have him gone for the day. This day he took with him the body of our little puppy. Willow fit inside a shoe box, she was still so small. As I watched the three of them walk away, Myron, Cam and my brother, I could see that Myron was carrying the box. Cam put it in the back of the truck. To this day I still beleive that no words were spoken about what was in the box. And how Myron actually got the package to Cam's property and buried it is a bit of a mystery.

But what's most disturbing to me about all of this is how the box with our puppy inside it was discovered the following Spring.
Apparently, the snow had melted on Cam's property and he found a small shoe box, half buried, half on top of the earth. So Cam opened up the box to see what was inside. At first he didn't want to tell me "You don't wanna know Lor." He repeated a couple of times "You don't wanna know"
"It was Willow, wasn't it Cam?" I knew it was. But what I didn't know was the state that Cam had found the puppy in.
Not only had Willow's head been severed from her small puppy body by Myron's hatchett, but so too had each one of her paws.


The silk ties
Feel like sandpaper
On the tender skin
Of my wrists
Ankles, neck
The satin sheets
Feel like razor blades
Under my bruised, injured flesh
The mattress
Beneath my broken bones
Reminiscent of a granite slabT
he carpeting like a sponge
Sodden with my blood
The air around me
Heavy like a stone
The room threatening
Yet forewarning
Go away
Turn and run
Too late now
To heed the advice
Now the glintof the knife
Gives me hope
Of reprieve
Amnesty a pardon or perhaps
The execution


Thoughts of death
Flood my mind
But seem comforting, now
The terror and confusion
Have been replaced by a steely calm
I am numb now
I feel no pain
And I watch
From a distance
Above outside my body
Detached emotionless
The words I hear
Are not my own
But the muffled sounds
Of some other woman
Petitioning for her life
I love you
She says
I’m your wife
She explains
You don’t want to hurt me
I love you
The severity
Of the situation
By the look in her eyes
The gravity veiled
By loving words
Softly spoken
To the would be



Charred flesh
Cigarette searing
The wound
Leaving a mark
A brand
Of ownership
Your name
Carved into
My tissue
Glowing embers
Your signature
My body
Marks of
The stench
Of my own

Revolving Door

Misfortune adversity calamity hardships
Harden strengthen me
Poignant moving emotional touching yet distressing Stressing
Heartrending heartbreaking affecting effecting the tragedy
Coagulated, congealed Set in stone frozen solid in my psyche
Roadmaps blueprints outlines design plans to follow
Rigidly adhere strictly firmly inflexibly hold fast
Cannot modify strategy alter tactics devices procedure
Diplomacy mediation discretion secretly subtly rewarded
Shooting myself in the foot, cutting off my nose despite my face
Spinning spiraling turning in and out the revolving door cycle
Everything in sequence perfect succession
This merry-go-round not merry at all

Part One: The Warning Signs

Ashes to Ashes

Sure I saw the signs. There were plenty of them. In retrospect, I guess I should have paid more attention to them, but at the time, I guess I didn't want to. The first time Myron showed signs of extremely abusive behaviour I should have turned around and run. For some reason, though, I chose to stay. Maybe I thought it wouldn't happen again. Maybe I saw all the pain in his eyes and thought I could help him. Maybe I thoughtI could change him.The truth is I don't really know what I thought. All I knew at that time in my life was that I loved him. I really believed I did. And finally, after 18 years of feeling alone and unloved and possibly unlovable, I had finally found someone who loved me back. Somehow, just knowing that he loved me, allowed me to overlook the little things he did that hurt me, and make excuses for the bigger things.
Believing he loved me also allowed me the ability to make up stories about some of the more severe things he did to me. The illusion of our love let me to look my Dad straight in the eye and lie to him like I've never done before. "No, Dad, Myron didn't hurt me. I really was in a car accident." True. I was in a car accident, but there was so much more to that story.
For some reason, I so ached to be loved that I didn't walk away the very first time Myron ever hurt me. That first time could very well have been the worst thing he's ever done. It was by far, the cruelest. When I look back on it now, it's as if it was a dream.
The nightmare is now over, but the awful memories remain. That event is forever etched in my mind. What he did to me that night left physical and emotional scars so deep that even seven years of counseling have only begun to heal. If only I had walked away.
If only...
If only...

But I did not. I did not walk away. Instead, I simply lay there. I pretended it wasn't happening to me. Somehow I convinced my self that he wasn't really doing those awful things to my body. I convinced myself the pain down there wasn't real. But it was real. And it was happening tome. And it was painful! So terribly painful.The cigarette he was holding seemed so far away. As I looked down past my breasts and over my tummy, down to where the searing pain originated I could see the ember of his cigarette. Although I could scarcely believe it, all my senses were telling me that the man I loved was burning me. His slowly smoldering cigarette was the source of the pain between my legs.

When he attempted to but out his smoke down there the first time, the pain was excruciating. I closed my eyes and held my breath, hoping the hurt would go away.
Praying I would somehow be lifted up and away from this agonizing situation. I kept my eyes closed and didn't take a breath until the pain had finally started to subside.When at last Myron had taken the hot cigarette off of my smoldering flesh, I opened my eyes and began to breathe again. Thank God it was over. Now I could get my things and go home. I would never ever come back here as long as I lived. I promised my self that.
I tried to get up, so sure that I was going to get my stuff and get out of there just as quickly as my legs could take me. I scarcely had time to gather my strength to get up off of that cold concrete floor when yet another piercing pain attacked me down there. I was frozen again, unable to move. Once again I held my breath. So tightly I closed my eyes. And as hard as I wished, nothing could remove me from the searing pain I felt between my legs.I could vaguely hear Myron talking to me, though I could hardly make out the words. All his mumbled breath sounded like the gravelly voice of some long feared fairy tale monster. "…that'll teach you bitch…" I thought I heard.

And then he continued "…so you think you'regonna fuck with me eh, Lor….".
Again I held my breath and kept my eyelids shut tight until the pain had started to subside.Yet again I resolved that as soon as I was able I was going to run out of there and away just as quickly as I could. I managed to get up off the floor somewhat and made a move for my pants. What met me after that was a heavy strong arm across my chest.
"Where the fuck you think you're goin' Lor? Don't ya like it when I do that? You like it Lor, I know ya do." I was mortified.
Of course I didn't like it. He was burning me. It was painful. What kind of monster was this man? And why wasn't he letting me go?I tried to speak, but the words would not come. Instead, only tears streamed down my frightened face. “You’re not going anywhere bitch! I'm not done with you yet!" he growled as he picked his cigarette up off the concrete. Once more the searing pain between my legs.

Once more, I held my breath and tightly closed my eyes. Once more, I prayed and prayed for something to please take me away from this terrible situation and this horrifying man. Once more I lay there motionless until he took the burning ember away from my tender skin.
Again I tried carefully to get up. Again he shoved me back on to the concrete with a fortuitous push of his powerful fore arm. Again he spoke to me "You're leavin' babe? Don't ya like it when I do that?" This time I found my voice. "Why are you doing this? Myron, you're hurting me" I squeaked through my sobs.I'm not sure if he heard me or not. The sudden sound of someone opening the basement door was enough to make him drop his cigarette. Thank God! I was free.My utter relief that this nightmare was finally over quickly overshadowed any embarrassment I might have felt about being more than half naked in front of Myron's Grandma. As fast as I could I slipped my pants on and reached for my purse as I ran out the door.

I was in such a hurry to get out of the basement that I dropped my purse. I watched the contents of my bag fall to the floor as if in slow motion. But I did not stop to pick up the mess. I continued on my way.
Running as fast as I could until I was finally away from that horrible place. I didn't stop running until Myron's grandma's house was no longer in sight.

Even then I ran, though not so quickly the rest of the way to my Grandma’s house. Thankfully my Grandma and Grandpa were still asleep when I arrived. I don't know how I would have explained my state to them. I don't know what my Grandpa would have done.Quietly, I walked down the backstairs to my suite. Slowly, ever so carefully I opened the creaky door to my apartment so as not to wake my sleeping brother.Quietly I tiptoed past my brother Shawn lying peacefully on the couch. I crept past the TV and turned it off then continued to my room. Once inside my room, I knew I was safe. Finally I let the tears fall down my cheek.
These were not only tears of pain, but also tears of confusion, and sadness and shame. I wanted to get undressed, but instead I sat down carefully on the edge of the bed. The pain was almost unbearable still. Somehow I managed to get under my covers. Curled up in a ball, I gently rocked myself to sleep. Tears soaked my pillow as Idrifted off into a restless but safe slumber.

I used to tell myself....

I used to tell people and especially myself that Myron didn’t hurt me very often as if that would somehow make it okay. Perhaps it made my situation easier to handle. When I began writing this book memories came flooding back to me like a torrential overflow of events. Some incidences I had buried deep in my subconscious and others I had simply dismissed. I guess I swept them under the rug because they weren’t “that bad”.

Now that I have distanced my self from Myron and his abusive ways I can see the severity of my situation at that time. I can see how abnormal my life was back then. And I can see just how numb I had become, toward Myron, toward his behaviour, toward my self and toward life. Instances that I had once dismissed as inconsequential harms now seem like incredibly cruel even sadistic behaviour. Back then, because Myron only actually beat me up a handful of times I was able to convince myself that he wasn’t as abusive as he could have been. Or might have been.

The truth is though; the abuse I did suffer was nearly as cruel as it possibly could have been. And most of it was far more humiliating and emotionally scarring than an occasional fat lip or black eye was. The carefully plotted beatings all over my body save for my face, or burns where nobody would ever think to look allowed Myron to continue his torture secretly. My silent shame assured that none of my friends, family or co-workers ever became the wiser.

After I finally got away from Myron for good, although the abuse was over, I was emotionally scarred and frightened. Eventually memories I had suppressed began coming to the surface at the most inopportune times. Often I didn’t know why I was reacting the way I was to a particular situation. My life was an emotional rollercoaster for a great many years even after I had left him. Sometimes even now it takes a lot of self-talk for me to believe that it really is over and that things are finally okay.

When I started having nightmares and flashbacks of events I had suppressed, a good friend of mine suggested I go talk to someone about what had happened with Myron. At first I didn’t want to go. I didn’t need therapy, I thought. I figured I should be able to deal with my own issues without the help of an outsider or a professional. And I was still far too ashamed and humiliated to want to share any of what happened to me with anyone, let alone a complete stranger.

Eventually though after weeks of terrifying nightmares (and a good amount of prodding) I took my friend’s advice and made that all important first appointment. I am so glad I did. I am glad he had the patience and perseverance to see that I was drowning in my own pent up emotions. And I am glad that I trusted my friend enough to be able to take his advice. I think that was the turning point I was looking for. The decision to seek professional help in dealing with my past set me on the road to recovery and down the path toward changing my life and the lives of my children.

When I first started counseling I was in a one-on-one program called “Women Stopping the Violence”. On one of my first visits my therapist, Daphne listened to my story with a box of tissues in her hand and tears in her eyes. That session went on for over an hour and a half most of which time I was talking and sobbing continually. After I had finished sharing my story we both wiped away the tears and Daphne took my hand. Looking deep into my eyes she said “Oh, Lori I am so sorry you had to go through that. And I am so proud of you for getting away and for coming here.”

Before I left the office that afternoon, Daphne walked me to the front door. As I was leaving she whispered to me “Lori, Myron’s a sick man, you know. His behaviour is sick, bordering on ritualistic. Please promise me you’ll never let him alone with your kids.” I promised her I never would. And hat is one promise I intend to keep.